Narrative 4 Workshop

Language and Culture week continued with the Narrative 4 workshop.

Students across 2nd and 4rd year took part in an empathy workshop, in conjunction with Narrative 4. Narrative 4 believe that stories have an innate power to create empathy in society. Stories can shatter stereotypes and break down barriers and end hate and prejudices.

Narrative 4 Ireland was established in 2016 and is a registered Irish charity. One of the founders of Narrative 4 was Irish novelist Colum McCann, who is now the Chair of Narrative 4 Ireland. 

The theme for the story exchange tied in with events of our Language and Diversity Week and our recent award as a recognised 'School of Sanctuary'. It was 'A Place I Feel Safe'. Thank you to N4 Ireland Director, James Lawlor and his colleague Oisin Cooke for facilitating today's workshop. 

Chris Horan