Tom Meaney Public Speaking Day

The school welcomed Noreen Meaney and Michael Thornton, sponsors of the public speaking competition, and judge Liam Flynn, for the inaugural Tom Meaney Public Speaking Competition. Noreen presented the cup to the winning speaker, Paddy Doody, who spoke on how “Actions Speak Louder Than Words”, an entertaining and enlightening speech with excellent delivery. The other podium finishes were Leah O’Riordan, speaking on “Is Homework A Necessity”, Natalia Tabian, who spoke on “Body Image” and Shannon Bourke whose speech was on “Mental Health Promotion”. All spoke very well and their work, research and courage have helped get this new competition off the ground.

Paddy was presented with a trophy sponsored by Michael Thornton as well as the splendid Tom Meaney perpetual Public Speaking trophy. The runners-up also received a commerative plaque sponsored by Michael. Well done to all contestants and to competition organiser, Ms Doherty.