Parenting Skills Course in Polish


In Polish

CRPP to program edukacyjny rozwijający umiejętności rodzicielskie, wskazujący na różnice kulturowe w kwestii rodzicielstwa i wychowania, odpowiedni i dostosowany do potrzeb imigrantów i innych grup mniejszości etnicznych, w tym polskich migrantów.

Program ma na celu:

1. Zwiększenie wiedzy i umiejętności rodziców-migrantów w zakresie rodzicielstwa w Irlandii.

2. Zwiększenie wrażliwości rodziców na dzieci w kontekście podatności kontekstowych związanych z migracją.

3. Zmniejszenie luki akulturacyjnej między rodzicami-migrantami a nastoletnimi dziećmi.

4. Zmniejszenie stresu rodzicielskiego i rodzinnego.

5. Wypełnienie luki między rodzicami-migrantami, ich społecznościami lokalnymi i usługodawcami pierwszej linii.

Program będzie prowadzony w formie grupowej przez 8 tygodni po 2 godziny (online).

Organizator: Cork Migrant Centre

Aby uzyskać więcej informacji i/lub dokonać zapisu do udziału w programie, prosimy o kontakt: mgr Agata Białek 0862641434,


In English

CRPP - culturally relevant parenting program is parenting skills development education program relevant and tailored to the needs of immigrant and other ethnic minority groups, including Polish migrants.

The program aims to:

1. Enhance migrant parents’ knowledge and skills around parenting in Ireland.

2. Increase parental responsiveness towards children in view of migration related contextual vulnerabilities

3. Reduce acculturation gap between migrant parents and teenage children.

4. Reduce parental and family stress.

5. Bridge the gap between migrant parents, their local communities and frontline service providers.

The program will be conducting during 8 week session per 2 hours. Session 1: Understanding child development and needs (e.g. social and health needs, peer relationships, parent-child relations)

Session 2: Helping the child develop self-confidence (e.g. realistic and developmentally appropriate expectations, positive attention/praise)

Session 3: Improving Children’s communication and language (e.g. listening, communication and confrontation)

Session 4: Family relations (e.g. how to communicate feelings or pathways to stop fighting with your children, family rules/limit setting).

Setting 5: Education pathways (e.g. banking & financial literacy, managing pocket money for children, health matters)

Session 6: Legal issues (e.g. corporate punishment and domestic violence, drugs & alcohol, understanding policy and procedures re: housing)

Session 7: Managing Family Stress (e.g. family mediation, mediation, community connectedness)

Session 8: Parenting children & teenagers in a new culture (e.g. personal power/negative control, managing anger, making choices)

The program will be conducting in a group format (min. 5 people, max. 25 people) in 8 week sessions per 2 hours.

Cost of the Program: Free

CRPP will be delivered by Migrant Facilitators: mgr Agata Bialek

For Further details and to reserve a place on this program, contact: mgr Agata Bialek 0862641434,



If you know any polish families who would like to join the program, share their experiences as a migrant parent, support each other, chat and be together, please share my phone number and email.

All sessions will be conducting online.


I look forward to hearing from you

Agata Bialek


Chris Horan